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You’ve started a new job, and you have this running fantasy of dazzling your boss with your impressive work, making friends with your coworkers, and meeting everyone for lunch and happy hour. But in reality, your boss is an adult version of Regina George (remember Mean Girls?), and everyone else is her faithful minion. The problem is that we expect adults to be mature, but maturity is not like wrinkles; you don’t automatically get it when you get old. Everyone is given an asshole to shit, and a mouth to talk shit with. However, not everyone is blessed with a kind heart and an evolved mind.

So take notes! Here’s how to deal with a bully in the office

Don’t let them think you’re weak

Bullies love weak, insecure people, because a bully’s core DNA is that of a weak person. Bullies are damaged. Period. A lion is not going to bother with you unless he’s hungry, but a chihuahua will run you off the road because he is scared and small. Don’t let a bully think you’re weak. So if you are dealing with one in the office, make it clear that his tactics are NOT going to work on you. He can bark all he wants, but you’re going to stay on that road.

You need to perfect your office “clap back”. Walk that motherfucker like a dog, in an HR-friendly, professional way obviously (evil cackle). Don’t know how to do that? We get it. We actually blame the education system. Colleges should be teaching “how to check a dumb bitch 101” – and possibly hire Cardi B as the professor.

But, until society fixes itself, just have the sincere wish to learn how to check a bitch. That might sound like positive thinking hocus pocus, but think about it. When you really want something, like when you truly desire Oreos at 3am, you find an open bodega, don’t cha?

Love yourself

You are perfect just the way you are. Let us repeat it for the deaf bitches in the back. YOU ARE PERFECT JUST THE WAY YOU ARE. Your occasional mistakes are part of your beautiful humanity, so celebrate yourself.

Even if you made the biggest mistake in the history of your office, it doesn’t mean that the chihuahua in heels needs to come for you. This is a listicle on a humor website, and we don’t have a ton of time to coach you, so you are going to have to get it quick and clear. You need to believe this and absorb it the way you absorb Botox, fillers, or inhale a pitcher of margarita. Quickly bitch. You need to accept it right now, at this moment, that your imperfections are part of what makes you perfect and that you deserve respect. Okrrrrr?! That level of self-love is the perfect anti-bully repellent. It’s like cocoa butter on ashy knees, it won’t let you crack.

Don’t seek anyone else’s approval

So everyone forms a clique during the office Xmas party, or you don’t have a buddy to kiki with during lunch? Boohoo poor you. What did we just say about loving yourself?

At the office Xmas party, no one is looking at you. Everyone is busy either thinking about themselves, xeroxing body parts or putting their crusty feet in their mouths thanks to alcohol! If you find yourself alone, enjoy your own thoughts. Trust us, if you’re confident, you won’t be alone for long.

Take the high road

Sigh. Ugh! I guess. I hear you Michelle, “when they go low, we go high”. But in my experience you can’t fly until you check a bitch. The lady in me will encourage you to take Michelle’s advice, but the Cardi in me will encourage you to go up to a bitch and check her. I guess it’s up to you to decide what the situation calls for.

Broads On Point

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