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Why JOMO is the new FOMO

When you’re in your twenties, for many people, the idea of missing out on any opportunity to be with friends, cut loose and do the most is like a stake through the heart. I’m speaking from experience here. Back then, when funds were low, and I couldn’t go out, I could be found on my bed crying into my pillow, rocking back and forth like a character from American Horror Story: Asylum, and reciting a Hail Mary. I had bigtime FOMO (fear of missing out).

Now I’m nearly forty (don’t know how the hell that happened). I live in Berlin, Europe’s party capital, and although I can still get turnt with the best of them, nowadays, when I see a group of pale, gurning, wide-eyed twenty somethings shivering in an endless nightclub queue, I smile smugly to myself, turn my collar up, hail a cab, and head home bathed in JOMO (joy of missing out). That’s right people, your own four walls are now where it’s at. Whole swathes of Generation Z are discovering the joys of saying fuck you to nights out, slipping on their novelty slippers, and cracking open the rosé. And here’s why.

You get to be HBIC

When you invite the troops to yours, it’s on your terms. You get to dictate the music, guest list, and (more importantly) what time you kick everybody out. There’s no juiced up hyper-aggressive door staff to deal with, no waiting in line for the bathroom, and no watered-down drinks. If you’re a fan of powdered treats the threat of law enforcement is also removed, and you’re free to roll around on the floor like the drug addict you are. Provided you have fairly understanding neighbours, home partying is JOMO without really having to miss out.

Other people

My friends and I have a certain energy when we go out. That energy is LOUD (some might say obnoxious, I choose to view it as fabulosity), and it tends to attract veritable swarms of begfriends. I think folks respond well to seeing people really let loose and enjoying themselves and they want a piece of the action. But here’s the thing. Neither I nor my friends want to talk to you, Greg from Scranton. That may come across full Mean Girls “you can’t sit with us” vibes but hear me out. My girlfriends are tired of being the object of sweaty, unwanted male attention, and I’m tired of having to deflect said sweaty, unwanted attention. Drunk men can be gross basically, but at the hottest spot in town, aka your living room, you’re in charge of the velvet rope, so you can keep the plebs at bay. Another win for JOMO

The cost

Going out is expensive; cabs, drinks, the rest (winky face emoji). You pretty much need to be a Hilton sister to be able to party in the style you’d like. Why bother? Save those pennies. Pay off your student debt, put some money away for a deposit on a house in the suburbs, pay into your 401K. or you could just blow it all on that killer handbag you’ve had your eye on. Your choice.

Broads On Point

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