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The Roundup (April 29-May 6)

The Roundup

Charlize Theron supports her Trans daughter

Charlize Theron has revealed her eldest daughter, seven-year-old Jackson, is Trans. The actress said that her daughter has known she was a girl since she was three and announced it quite matter of fact. Jackson has her mother’s full support and in Theron’s own words it is: “her duty to celebrate them and to love them and to make sure that they have everything they need in order to be what they want to be.”

There is still, unfortunately, so much stigma and misunderstanding surrounding Trans children. It’s a delicate topic, no doubt, but children should be supported however they choose to express themselves. If it really is just a “phase” then they’ll grow out of it. It’s up to parents to be brave and face their own prejudices. We applaud Charlize Theron and Jackson and wish them all the best!

Black UK mothers more at risk of dying than their white counterparts

An upsetting piece from the BBC this week revealed that black mothers are far more at risk of dying from complications surrounding pregnancy and childbirth, than their white counterparts. According to the UK Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths, the chance of death was 1 in 2500 for black women between 2014 and 2016. While for white women the rate was five times lower. This phenomenon is also true in the US where the rate of death among white women is three to four times lower than in black women.

There are many factors at play in these unacceptable statistics, such as black women being more pre-disposed to certain medical conditions. But let’s call a spade a spade. A lot of this is down to implicit racial bias in the medical community. Both Beyoncé and Serena Williams have used their platform to talk about this issue and it’s one that needs serious work and introspection from medical professionals across the board. Black women are often simply not believed as much as white women by doctors and nurses. This can mean they don’t speak up when something is seriously wrong and, in some cases, this proves to be fatal.

Muslim woman fights bigotry with love

A young Muslim woman, Shaymaa Ismaa’eel, 24, has demonstrated the perfect way to respond to hatred, ignorance, and bigotry: Love.

On April 21, she was attending a convention in Washington DC run by the Islamic Circle of North America, which works to establish connections between Islam and the public. Naturally the event was being picketed by Islamophobic knuckle draggers, pontificating on the evils of Islam bla bla bla. Shaymaa took the opportunity to troll them and took pictures of herself in front of the protesters, smiling and crouching down giving the peace sign. She posted the photos to her Twitter and Instagram along with the caption: “Kindness is a mark of faith. Those who aren’t kind have no faith.” – The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). The posts have gone viral and Shaymaa has been praised for using humor and love to deal with the ever-encroaching forces of hatred and division. Go on girl!

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